CBD Oil is produced from the cannabis plant, the part that produces the marijuana. Cannabidiol, also called CBD, is an active compound found in hemp plants and accounts for nearly 40% of the cannabis plant's extract. The primary reason for its popularity is its ability to ease anxiety in patients with various medical problems. According to different scientific studies, CBD works best in people who have suffered from anxiety disorders for several years or are currently taking medication for panic disorders. Some research indicates that it may help people who suffer from insomnia and depression as well. Research on the effects of CBD on appetite and blood pressure are underway. The oil is extracted from the cannabis plant by using a solvent that removes the leaves, stems and flowers. The solvent is then heated so that the remaining compounds including the plant matter, oil and enzymes can be extracted. The resulting product is known as CBD Oil. It is then sent through a series of steps including filtration and refinement. The last step involves converting the oil into a liquid concentrate. Some states, including Illinois and the District of Columbia allow the use of CBD Oil for medical purposes. In these states, doctors can recommend the oil to patients if the patient feels a lack of relief after standard treatments. Patients who have tried CBD Oil can't get a prescription for it from a pharmacy. They need to buy it online or from their state's Department of Health. There is no scientific evidence showing that the oil provides any health benefits. However, there is some anecdotal evidence that supports the claim. A study done at the University of Mississippi showed that mice given CBD had higher memory and better learning skills than mice given a placebo. A second study published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health concluded that CBD was beneficial in helping mice avoid toxic side effects of radiation. There has been no clear evidence that it is safe or effective for all medical conditions, but many people swear by it and believe that it might work for them. For people who want to try it out, they should first consult with a qualified health professional and discuss their medical history. If you find that it doesn't feel right in your own lives, don't hesitate to talk to your doctor about the options that you have for treatment. There is a possibility that your condition could require a more complicated treatment and that you may have to use other medications for the rest of your life. It is important that you consider what alternatives are open to you and that you understand the risks and benefits of using it. If you are unsure about how the oil will affect your health, be sure to discuss this with your doctor. He or she can help you decide whether or not CBD Oil is right for you.